Search the Narmer Catalog

The Narmer Catalog can be searched using any of the fields shown below, or any combination of them. All of the fields, except for Registration No., References, Figure/Plate, and Dimensions have drop-down menus. You can either select the desired entry in the drop-down menu or type the entry in the field and then press “enter”. Note that it is also possible to conduct an advanced search by simultaneously selecting several entries either in one specific field or in multiple fields. When the entry selection is complete, go to the bottom of the page and click the “Search” button. When more than one inscription meets your criteria, you will be presented with a list of the relevant inscriptions. Clicking on one of them will take you to the individual inscription page. For a list of all inscriptions included in the Narmer Catalog, click on the Button “Show all Inscriptions” at the bottom of the “Search” page.

One or more illustrations (photographs and drawings) appear on most Inscription Detail pages. Clicking the illustration will reveal a full resolution image, which can be downloaded.

For more information on this catalog, including an explanation of the fields in each record and complete bibliographies, please see the About page. You are also welcome to send comments and questions to

There are 38 results matching your search:

Inscription Detail




